Since I last added to this blog quite a bit has happened. Firstly I was made redundant in September which has given me a bit of time to do some tidying up of all the information I have.
Recently the Ancestry UK site has added more WW1 soldiers to the database. I have found an extra 11 pages of information about my grandfathers service that I didn't have. This is prior to his time in the Royal Guernsey Light Infantry.
From what I can gather from the papers he was one of the young men that lied about their age when they enlisted. He gave his age as 19 years and 3 months when he enlisted 2 Oct 1915 when in fact he wasn't born until 28 Oct 1898 which means he was only just 16.
I also think I may have found out what happened to my grandmothers father. It seems that nobody in the family ever spoke about him after he seperated ffom his wife whilst my grandmother was only a year or so old.
I have found a soldier in the records with the same name, birth year, birthplace and also with a brother of matching name and age and living in the same area. This, however, is not enough information to match them up and the papers offer no further details.
This man is listed as previously serving in the Grenadier Guards so they are my next avenue of research. The record of all their men are kept in the Regimental Archives, so I have sent an initial enquiry and am awaiting an answer.
Resarch in to the lunatic Mary Yale is continuing as I have now paid for some research to be done in London ( chancery records ) to find out when and how she was considered to be a lunatic.
I am now also available to carry out family history research in the Nottinghamshire area so if you have any that needs doing, especially if you live out of the country and doing it yourself isn't financially viable, please visit the "research" page on my website at or email me at with your details
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
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